Please also note that by donating you are NOT buying anything from us, merely showing your appreciation for our service, and as such you are still subject to rules and regulations set forth by the staff of Jade Dynasty Private Server. By using an account, you are borrowing the service from us and we hold the right to reclaim it at any time we wish. Please note that any account made for the use of Jade Dynasty Private Server for any of its services, including but not limited to forum accounts, and game accounts, are property of Jade Dynasty Private Server and thus may be terminated and any time with or without reason. Please do not pay anywhere else but here, even to GMs, this is the only place that you can pay where your money will benefit the server. If you wish to donate but don't want anything in return, simply mention that in the e-mail. We reserve the right to ban, delete, or perform any actions necessary if one of your characters breaks rules explicitly or implicitly listed on the rules page, or in any special case that is deemed worthy of these actions. We will not give refunds unless there is a technical difficulty with a purchase. NOTICE OF DONATING By donating to the server you agree to the rules, conditions and terms of service stated below. Failure to do so will result in a loss of service. And you agree to respect all staff members of said web domain. NOTICE OF PERSONAL USAGEīy accepting this agreement you become a guest to this private web domain so long as you do not violate any terms and agreements listed. You also agree that you are above the age of twelve and/or have parental consent to visit this webpage. NOTICE OF VULGARITY Some information viewed on this website may contain vulgar material that you may not be familiar with or which you do not want to be seen. The information would have been obtained illegally and is not admissible in a court of law. It would violate the terms and agreements to this website. NOTICE OF LEGALITY If any information is disclosed from this website to any corporation/company or any entity. In short: No one from "Beijing Perfect World", "GF Station" "Quang Minh" "MK-Style" "Cubinet Interactive" "Level Up! Games" "Level Up! Games (Brazil)" "CJ Internet" "Per fect Wo rld Entertainment" "NCSoft" or "Nival Online", associated with "Beijing Per fect Wo rld", "GF Station" "Quang Minh" "MK-Style" "Cubinet Interactive" "Level Up! Games" "Level Up! Games (Brazil)" "CJ Internet" "Per fect Wo rld Entertainment" "NCSoft" or "Nival Online" or any such affiliated company or anyone directed by "Beijing Per fect Wo rld", "GF Station" "Quang Minh" "MK-Style" "Cubinet Interactive" "Level Up! Games" "Level Up! Games (Brazil)" "CJ Internet" "Per fect Wo rld Entertainment" "NCSoft" or "Nival Online" or its Related companies is permitted to enter these web sites or view any content contained within these sites at any time what so ever due to controversial reasons.

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