If your keyframing the speed, it can be tricky finding the right amount to extend it, but it's not too bad. You set your footage to loop, and just extend it out, and even though it has the little marks (can't remember what they are called) to indicate it's looping or duplicating, it's actually extending out what Twixtor is doing. You can keyframe the speed as you would any effect. So far, the integration seems decent and is pretty typical of Vegas effects.
Richard, I wouldn't mind another update in this thread once you get comfortable with Twixtor-I've never sprung for it myself (I don't do TOO much "super-slow motion"), but I'm curious as to how easily Twixtor integrates with Vegas and how easy Twixtor is to set up-especially if you're ramping. I could understand this if it simply changed the entire video file to a single speed, but it allows for trimming and multiple speeds through out the video, something you'd want to save your work for.

Couldn't find it in the software or in the manual.
Oh, in case anyone was wondering what the question was, I couldn't find out how to save a project. If it goes too much higher, will be more than I can budget, plus, I might as well start looking into twixtor. The problem I ran into is that I tried contacting them with a question and never got a response, so I'm worried about support after purchase.ġ) Has anyone used ReSpeedr or any other ProDAD products, and if so, what do you think of them?Ģ) Does any one know of any decent software that does optical flow slow motion for a reasonable price? Would prefer $100 or so. It did a decent enough job with it's optical flow. I did some googling and found ProDAD ReSpeedr, which I think has been mentiond on the forum before. Twixtor is more than I want to spend for this. Part of it will be slower than reblending can properly deal with, so both Hitfilm and Vegas are not the best choices for this. I'm currently editing a project and we have decided one spot would be great as slow motion and re-shooting is not really an option.

Hello folks, this isn't specific to Hitfilm, but I know we have plenty of people here that use a wide variety of software/video tools, ,so hopefully someone has some suggestions.