If you want to customise your slimes, make sure to keep an eye on the Microsoft Store this week. The release of the Secret Style Pack hit a roadblock on Xbox and Monomi now predicts it will be available in "a few more days".

The styles that are included in this DLC are: Gordo Slimes, Tarr Slimes, and plorts are not affected by the Secret Style Pack. Largos will take active options into account. Unlocked Secret Styles can be toggled on and off at any time via the Secret Style menu in the Ranch House, and will apply to all slimes of that type. Once discovered, the styles can be used to customise that type of slime whenever you wish. If the player leaves the area before it opens however, the Secret Style will still unlock without a prompt or changing the slime's appearance. The pack sends players on a treasure hunt in Far, Far Range as they look for pods that contain unique slime styles.
Slime rancher secret style pack glitch update#
Viktor’s Experimental Update is available now, but unfortunately the DLC that was supposed to arrive with it, the Secret Style Pack, has been delayed. When purchased, you can search for treasure pods to get new. There are plenty of other bug fixes and improvements included with the patch and you can find a full list of these in the patch notes. Alongside the update, Monomi Park will also release paid-for DLC called the Secret Style Pack. There are plenty of new gadgets included in the update, including advanced drones that can handle two programs, portable water taps, slime bait, a portable scareslime, dash pads, and a chicken cloner that may create a clone of a chicken. Once you leave the simulation, any captured glitch slimes will be turned into bug reports that you can exchange for rewards and manifold cubes, which can be used to create new gadgets. Once the corruption starts, make sure to reach the exit portal before things get too dangerous. Using his debug spray, you'll need to find and vacuum up the glitch slimes before they corrupt the simulation. In this video I show you every single location of every Secret Style-treasure pod Get your new slime skins while theyre hotPink 0:27Rock 0:47Tabby. After that, he'll invite you to his Workshop where you can login to the Slimeulation.
Slime rancher secret style pack glitch cracker#
To start the task, you'll need to have unlocked the Ruins and the Treasure Cracker MKII, purchased the Lab Ranch expansion, and completed a Range Exchange request for Viktor.